An approach for teaching concepts of programming to students of Digital Arts, Stavroula Zoi, International Conference on Creating Conditions for Deeper Learning in Science (DL 2019), Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή, 29-30/6/2019, Athens, Greece available on-line
The Global Earth Artistic project: A proposal for a large-scale geopolitical Art, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, STRAND Going Digital, 7 June 2018, Belgrade available on-line
Experimentation with the human body in virtual reality space. Body, bacteria, life-cycle, Christina Oikonomou, Stavroula Zoi, Manthos Santorineos, and Alain Lioret, 9th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games 2017), 6-8 September 2017, Athens, Greece
Developing multimodal virtual experiences based on low-cost games mechanisms, under the perspective of artistic creation, Stavroula Zoi, EuroVR 2016 Conference, 22-24 November 2016, Athens
Eπıλoγη∗ in Crisis∗∗. Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Taxiarxhis Diamantopoulos, John Bardakos, 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 351-352, 2015, 23-27 March 2015, Arles, France
From the monologue of mass media to the dialogue of new media in the information society. The interactive narrative of digital games as a case study of crisis, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, John Bardakos, Maria Velaora, Arguro Papathanasiou, Vicky Tselepidou, International Digital Storytelling Conference, Digital Storytelling in Times of Crisis, Athens, May 8-10, 2014 (
Social media as art and vs. art, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, the 17th International Festival of New media, Electronic and Digital Arts (ISEA 2011), 14-21 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Α proposal for a digital art laboratory that meets contemporary educational and experimentation needs, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, 5th Annual Edition of INTED2011 (International Technology, Education and Development Conference 7-9th March, 2011, Valencia (Spain)
The In-Between Virtual Neighborhood and the Cellutopia Engine, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Stavroula Zoi, Computational Aesthetics 2010, 6th International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization & Imaging, 14–15 June 2010, London publication & artwork
Action Room: A low-cost hypermedia platform for experimental performances and spectacles, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia VSMM 2009,Vienna, Austria, September 9-12, 2009
Art-Technology: Lectures towards an International Language, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Konstantinos Tiligadis, Nefeli Dimitriadi, 5th Interdisciplinary Conference of the N.T.U.A., 27-30 September 2007, Metsovo, Greece
Priamos: A Middleware Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Annotation of Context Features, Nikolaos Konstantinou, Emmanuel Solidakis, Stavroula Zoi, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Nikolas Mitrou, 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 07), University of Ulm, Southern Germany, 24-25 September 2007
A lightweight approach for providing Location Based Content Retrieval, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Emmanuel Solidakis, Stavroula Zoi, Nikolaos Konstantinou, Panagiotis Papageorgiou, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Nikolas Mitrou, 18th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2007), 3-6 September 2007, Athens, Greece
LOCATION BASED GUIDANCE SERVICES IN A MUSEUM ENVIRONMENT: DEPLOYMENT ISSUES AND A PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Emmanuel Solidakis, Stavroula Zoi, Nikolaos Konstantinou, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Nikolas Mitrou, short paper presentation in the WINSYS 2007, International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, 28-31 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Towards Defining a Suitable Environment for Teaching Digital Arts – The Delphous Experiment, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Chu-Yin Chen, 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan
The “non space” as an environment for artistic creation and training, Manthos Santorinaios, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Konstantinos Tiligadis, INTED 2007 conference, March 7-9 2007, Valencia, Spain
No-space-no-rule-game: An environment for experimentation, artistic creation, collaboration, and training, S. Zoi, K. Tiligadis, MEDIATERRA 2006 – Gaming Realities, International Art & Technology Festival, 4-8 October 2006, Athens available on-line
E-MUSEUM – A content management system for providing museum visitors with personalised audiovisual information, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Stavroula Zoi, Nikolaos Konstantinou, Emmanuel Solidakis, Christos Basios, Tasos Zafeiropoulos, Panagiotis Papageorgiou, Nikolas Mitrou, 3rd International Conference of Museology, 5th to 9th June, 2006, Mytilene, Greece
The Avaton Architecture: Location-Based Multimedia Services For Tourists, A. D. Sotiriou, P. Kalliaras, P. Papageorgiou, S. Zoi, J. N. Karigiannis, N. Mitrou, poster presentation at the Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 5th International Symposium, 19-21 July, University of Patras, Greece
PRIAMOS: A system for the real time extraction of multimedia semantics and its integration in advanced surveillance and conferencing applications, S. Zoi, P. Stathopoulos, P. Papageorgiou, N. Mitrou, J. Soldatos, poster presentation at the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM), Monday 22 May 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland
Exploiting digital game technologies for the new needs of artistic training and creation, Manthos Santorinaios, Stavroula Zoi, Konstantinos Tiligadis, and John Konstantinou, 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2005), 17-19 November 2005, Ohrid
Applying Quality of Service Extensions to an Open Source Media Streaming Platform, S. Zoi, P. Stathopoulos, P. Papageorgiou, D. Kouis, N. Mitrou, proceedings of the WSEAS CSCC 2004 International Workshop on “Design architectures and techniques for improving the capacity and resource utilization of networks and network systems” (within the scope of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, p. 487-452) , July 12, 2004, Athens, Greece
The Avaton Architecture: Location-Based Multimedia Services For Tourists , P. Kalliaras, A. D. Sotiriou, S. Zoi, P. Papageorgiou, J. N. Karigiannis, N. Farantouris, N. Mitrou, 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technology (ICICT 2004) 6, 7 December 2004, Cairo – EGYPT – Best paper award
Extending an open MPEG-4 video streaming platform to exploit a Differentiated Services Network, S. Zoi, D. Loukatos, L. Sarakis, P. Stathopoulos, 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC ‘03), July 23-25, 2003, Estoril, Portugal
Towards studying and experimentally evaluating the propagation of QoS requirements of MPEG-4 video streams on a Differentiated Services testbed, D. Loukatos, S. Zoi, P. Stathopoulos, P. Papageorgiou, and N. Mitrou, 1st International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs ‘03), 21-23 July, 2003, Ilkley, U.K.
A Priority Dropping Mechanism for the Multicast Delivery of Layered Video in a DiffServ Environment, P. Stathopoulos, S. Zoi, D. Loukatos, V. Tountopoulos, A. Roustas, and N. Mitrou, 7th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, 7-10 July 2003, Corfu Island, Greece
An open framework for propagating QoS requirements of MPEG-4 video streams over a Differentiated Services network, S. Zoi, D. Loukatos, P. Stathopoulos, L. Sarakis, E. Sarla, N. Mitrou, International Conference on CROSS-MEDIA SERVICE DELIVERY, May 30-31, 2003, Santorini Island, Greece
Enigma: An Application Framework for Delivering Multimedia-rich Virtual Learning Experiences through the Internet, S. Zoi, J. Melas, P. Kalliaras, N. Mitrou, 12th International World Wide Web Conference 2003, poster presentation, 20-24 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary
An approach to the Quantification of Delay Variation Effects on Live Audio Streams, D. Loukatos, S. Zoi, P. Stathopoulos, A. Roustas, and N. Mitrou, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications, (ICT’2003), February 23 – March 1 2003, Papeete, French Polynesia
An open framework for prototyping the delivery of multimedia-rich virtual learning experiences through the Internet, S. Zoi, J. Melas, P. Kalliaras, N. Mitrou,11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision ‘2003, 3-7 February, Plzen, Czech Republic
A Network-Driven Architecture for the Multicast Delivery of Layered Video and A Comparative Study, P. Stathopoulos, S. Zoi, D. Loukatos, L. Sarakis, and N. Mitrou,1st IFIP Workshop on Internet Technologies, Applications, and Societal Impact (WITASI’02), 10-11 Octοber 2002, Wroclaw, Poland
An MPEG-4 framework for modern networked multimedia applications authoring, C. Gegout, S. Zoi, J. Melas, N. Mitrou, International Conference on Media Futures, 8-9 May 2001, Florence, Italy
A Framework for the Delivery of MPEG-4 Interactive Content over QoS Aware IP Networks, S. Zoi, L. Sarakis, P. Stathopoulos, J. Melas, D. Loukatos, and N. Mitrou, 8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, June 25-29 2001, Crete Island, Greece
Implementation and experimental evaluation of QoS mechanisms on the MPEG4IP media streaming platform, S. Zoi, P.Stathopoulos, P.Papageorgiou, N. Mitrou,1st International Workshop on ‘Streaming media distribution over the Internet’ – SMDI04 (within the scope of the 3rd IFIP TC6 Networking Conference), May 9-14 2004, Athens, Greece
A comparison of two object oriented application development platforms for multimedia services to the Internet, Michalas, A., Zoi, V., Sotiropoulos, N.; Mitrou, N.; Loumos, V.; Kayafas, E , 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : Information technology and electrotechnology for the Mediterranean countries : proceedings : May 29-31, 2000, Le Meridien Hotel, Lemesos, Cyprus, organized by IEEE Region 8
A Rate Adaptation Scheme for Media Streaming over Heterogeneous Networks, P. Stathopoulos, P. Papageorgiou, D. Kouis, S. Zoi, N. Mitrou, , in the International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), Special Issue on “Media Streaming over Wireless and Mobile Networks”.
Extending an MPEG-4 media streaming platform to exploit a Differentiated Services Network, S. Zoi, P. Papageorgioy, D. Loukatos, P. Stathopoulos, N. Mitrou, in the Journal of Internet Technology, Special Issue on “Real time media delivery over the Internet”, ISSN 1607- 9264
A comparison of multimedia application development platforms towards the object web, A. Michalas, V. Zoi, N. Sotiropoulos, N. Mitrou, V. Loumos, E. Kayafas, , Elsevier Journal of Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 22, ISSN 0920-5489