CHANGE TEXT The In-Between project is a collaborative project for the creation of multicultural virtual neighborhoods on the Web.
It started as an initiative of the Multimedia – Hypermedia Lab of the Athens School of Fine Arts, and has gradually become an open platform for artistic experimentation, including participants from different Universities (see link participants). The participants can insert an audiovisual description of their house, different audiovisual elements as well as other information, to the dynamic database and their house automatically becomes member of the endless neighborhood. The ultimate goal is that every Web visitor may freely participate by enriching the virtual neighborhoods with his/her own house.
In the In-Between space, which exists between the real and the virtual and amongst the different participant countries, one can navigate and become familiar with the houses, the lives, the fears and the beliefs of the different people that become the “real” citizens of a virtual world.
Moreover, some of the participants have used the InBetween platform as an environment for artistic experimentation, thus resulting in different conceptual levels.